The Scientific Council of the Earth Science Institute is the scientific organ of the institution competent in the areas of conception, strategy, development and evaluation of research and developing activities, PhD study, as well as evaluation of the effectiveness of the institute’s management. It approves proposals of guarantors and supervisors from the institute for PhD study in the framework of the valid Slovak legislation.

The Scientific Council is elected by the academic community of the Institute. The Scientific Council consists of 11 members, 4 members are from the Geological division, 4 members from the Geophysical division, 3 are external members from the universities or other scientific organizations. The election is organized according to polling regulations. The chairman of the Scientific Council is elected by the members of the Council. Researchers with scientific degrees (DrSc., PhD.) can become members of the Scientific Council. Tenure of the Scientific Council is 4 years.


Members of the Scientific Council:




RNDr. Igor BROSKA, DrSc.

RNDr. Marian JANÁK, DrSc.

RNDr. Igor PETRÍK, DrSc.

Ing. RNDr. Iveta SMETANOVÁ, PhD.

RNDr. Peter VAJDA, PhD.

Mgr. Fridrich VALACH, PhD.


External members:

Prof. RNDr. Miroslav BIELIK, DrSc., PriF UK

Prof. RNDr. Dušan PLAŠIENKA, DrSc., PriF UK

Mgr. Michal ŠUJAN, PhD., PriF UK