Scientific mission:
Geomagnetism represents a wide variety of physical phenomena: The main part of the planetary magnetic field originates from the magnetohydrodynamic processes in the Earth's core. There is also rock magnetism manifested on the Earth's surface. In addition, the planetary magnetic field is strongly affected by interplanetary magnetic fields.
The research performed at the Department of Geomagnetism includes:
- Study of the generation of the planetary magnetic field. Here the research is focused on the magnetohydrodynamic processes in the liquid Earth's core and on the phase transitions in the Earth's core.
- Magnetometry, magnetotellurics and paleomagnetism, which enable exploring complex geological structures by physical methods. This research is predominantly oriented to the territory of Slovakia and its surroundings.
- Physics of the Solar–Terrestrial relationships. Here the research is focused on modelling of the geomagnetic activity associated with various phenomena that take place in the interplanetary space.
The Department of Geomagnetism runs the Geomagnetic Observatory ESI SAS at Hurbanovo. The international code of the observatory is HRB. The observatory is reposnsible for continuous recording of the elements of the geomagnetic field as well as for the regular evaluation of the observed geomagnetic activity. Since 1997, the Hurbanovo Geomagnetic Observatory is a member of INTERMAGNET, the global network of observatories.
Within the scope of the observatory is also the determination of the distribution of the geomagnetic field over the territory of Slovakia. Apart from scientific research, these data are utilized for navigation purposes, especially for aviation practice.
In connection with environmental research, the Department also performs the monitoring of the radon activity concentration. Exposure to radon and its decay products accounts for about half of all non-medical exposure to ionizing radiation. Due to its physical characteristics radon is also widely used as a tracer gas in natural environment.
Head of department:
Department staff:
Oľga Almásiováprof. RNDr. Roman Aubrecht, PhD.
RNDr. Vladimír Bezák, CSc.
doc. Mgr. Peter Guba, PhD.
Mgr. Jozef Madzin, PhD.
RNDr. Alexandra Marsenić, PhD.
Mgr. Miloš Revallo, PhD.
Ing. RNDr. Iveta Smetanová, PhD.
RNDr. Magdaléna Váczyová, PhD.
Mgr. Melinda Vajkai
Mgr. Fridrich Valach, PhD.
RNDr. Ján Vozár, PhD.