RNDr. Ladislav Brimich, CSc.

Research interests:

  • gravimetry
  • geodynamics
  • interpretation of the microseismic measurements
  • paleoseismic research


Selected publications:

Gribovszki K., Bokellman G., Szeidovitz G., Paskaleva I., Brimich L., Kovács K., Mónus P., 2013: Comprehensive investigation of intact vulnerable stalagmites to estimate an upper limit on prehistoric horizontal ground acceleration. In: Proccedings of the Vienna Congres on Recent Advances in Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (VEESD 2013). Paper No 445, Vienna University of Technology, 10p.

Kalinina, A.V. – Ammosov, S.M. – Volkov, N.V. – Volkov, V.A. – Hók, J. – Brimich, L., 2012. Structurale heteorogenity investigation of geological environment in microseismic field in geodynamically active regions of western Slovakia. In Inzhenernye izyskamiya, p. 64 -69. ISSN 1997-8650. (in russian)

EL-Bohoty, M. – Brimich L., Saleh, A. – Saleh, S., 2012: Comparative study between the  structural and tectonic situation of the southern Sinai and the Red sea Egypt, as deduced from magnetic, gravity and seismic data. In Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy. ISSN 1335-2806. Vol. 42, p. 367 – 417.

Kalinina, A. V. – Ammosov, S. M. – Volkov, V. A. – Volkov, N.V. – Hók, J. –  Brimich, L. – Šujan, M., 2009:  Microseismic identification of geological and tectonic structures in the Komjatice Depression (Western Carpathians). In Geologica Carpathica, 60, no. 4, p. 331-338. (1.081 – IF2008). (2009 – Current Contents). ISSN 1335-0552.

Charco M., Brimich L., Fernández J., 2002: Topography effects on the displacements and gravity changes due to magma intrusion. Geologica Carpathica, 53, 4, 215-221.

Brimich L., 2000: Thermoviscoelastic models of the deformations and gravity changes due to anomalous source of heat. In: Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica, 35, 1, 37-48.

Brimich L., Fernández J., Granell R.D.R., Hvoždara M., 1996: Some comments on the effects of earth models on ground deformation modelling. Studia geophysica et geodaetica 40, 14-24. (impakt faktor 0.051).

Granell R.D.R., Brimich L., Hvoždara M., Fernádez J., 1996: Efectos del modelo de Tierra en calculos teoricos de deformacion del terreno. Fisica de la Tierra, 8, 131-143.

Hvoždara M., Brimich L., 1995: Theoretical models for gravity anomalies caused by thermoelastic deformations in the vicinity of magmatic bodies. Cahiers du Centre Européen de Géodynamique et de Séismologie, 8, 337-348.

Hvoždara M., Brimich L., 1988: Thermoelastic deformations due to the annual temperature variation at the tidal station in Vyhne. Studia Geophys. et Geod., 32, 2, 129-135.