Research interests:
- paleontology of marine macroscopic non-vertebrates
- carbonate facies
- carbonate sequential stratigraphy
- paleooceanography and paleoclimatology
- Mesozoic biostratigraphy
- facies and paleogeography
1969: Department of geology & paleontology, Charles University Prague
1970: RNDr (Doctor of Natural Sciences), Charles University Prague
1976: CSc. (~PhD), Geological Institute, SAS Bratislava
1994: DrSc (~Research Professor), Comenius University Bratislava
1998: guest docent, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University Bratislava
2005: docent, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University Bratislava
Work experiences:
1969 assistant, Geological Institute, SAS Bratislava
1976 scientist, Geological Institute, SAS Bratislava
1995 senior scientist, Geological Institute, SAS Bratislava
1996-2002 director, Geological Institute, SAS Bratislava
Internationl cooperation:
1976-1980: Triassic of the Tethys realm. Project 4 IGCP UNESCO (leader H. Zapfe), member.
1987-1992: Tethyan Cretaceous correlation Project 262 IGCP UNESCO (leaders G. Császár, H. Kollmann), member
1993-1997: Tethyan/Boreal Cretaceous correlation. Project 362 IGCP UNESCO (leaders J. Michalík, H. Leereveld) – international co-leader
1996 – present: Geologica Carpathica, Editor.
2000 – present: corresponding member of Triassic Stratigraphic Subcommission of IUGS.
2001-2002: Warning against abrupt climatic turnovers. Project 45 Visegrad International Fund, international leader.
2001-2005: Slovak National Geological Committee, chairman.
2001-2005: TRIBE Project (458 IGCP UNESCO) – national coordinator
2002-2006: CORB Project (463 IGCP UNESCO) – member