RNDr. Pavol Siman, PhD.


2006;   senior scientist/ ISCED 6

2002;   PhD. in Petrology, Faculty of the Natural Sciences; Department of the Mineralogy and Petrology; Comenius University, Bratislava

1987;   RNDr. in Geochemistry, general and deposits geology, Faculty of the Natural Sciences; Department of the Geochemistry; Comenius University, Bratislava

1982 – 1987; Comenius University, Faculty of the Natural Sciences; Department of the Geochemistry; Bratislava


Professional Ewperience:

  • Geological mapping, crystalline basement sequences research; thermodynamic & structural behaviour of high grade metamorphic / magmatic rocks / minerals (migmatites, orthogneiss, gneiss, granitoids); ore-bearing occurrence
  • EPMA instruments & microanalyses of materials – JEOL, CAMECA
  • Geochronology – the Ar/Ar dating – VG Instruments/Thermo Sc.


2012-2014; scientific and team leader of Japanese – Slovak project – JSPS

2008-2014; the Slovak Research and Development Agency / APVV projects

2009; co-autor of the General Geological Map of the Slovak Republic, scale 1: 200 000

2005-2007; scientific cooperation – British Geological Survey, Great Britain – petrography, mineralogy, petrology of Madagascar

2002-2005; scientific and team leader – research and development project – Ministry of Environments of the Slovak Republic

1993 – 1996; Geologishe Bundesanstalt, Austria – geological mapping, petrology, mineralogy, the Eastern Alps

1993; BRGM, Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières – France – geological and structural analysis in Brittany, Armorican massif

1988-2015; research projects in the Western Carpathians region; Ministry of Environments of the Slovak Republic, VEGA/APVV agency


Employment History:

2013 – Member of the Presidium of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava; infrastructure of SAS – use and developing; PR – favourable public image and website; cooperation with Ministry of Environments of the Slovak Republic

20102013 – Vice-director of the Geological Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava

2006 – 2010 – senior researcher and analyst, the Central European Ar Laboratory,

Geological Institute of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava; cooperation Prof. W. Frank – Vienna University

20002006; Head of the Department of Electron microanalysis, Geological Survey of Slovak Republic / State Dionýz Štúr Institute of Geology, Bratislava

1995 – 2000; Head of the Department of the Mineralogy and Petrology, Geological Survey of Slovak Republic, Bratislava

1990 – 1995; Deputy Head of the Department of mineralogical research, Dionýz Štúr Institute of Geology, Bratislava

1987 – 1995; regional geological mapping research in crystalline basement sequences and EPMA laboratory, Dionýz Štúr Institute of Geology, Bratislava


Professional Training:

2010, 2012, 2013; short research fellowships – Kyoto University, Japan – geochronology, geochemistry & petrology

2001, 2005, 2006, 2008; EUROGRANITES group

1995, 2007, 2012, 2015; VARISCAN BELT group

2003 – 2004; MICROSCIENCE & EMAS – modern developments and applications in micro beam analysis

1993 – 1997; Tempus Graduate School – Geodynamics, thermobarometry of geological processes, geochemistry, ore deposits. Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, field workshops in the Alps – France, Italy, Austria

1993 – 1995; BRGM, France – short study stays / mineralogy and petrology of the high metamorphosed rocks, Orléans


Honours and awards:

Honourable Mention Minister of the Environment for outstanding achievements in the field of geology and long-term contribution to environmental care


Scientific boards:

to 2006 – Geological Survey of Slovak Republic, Bratislava

2015 – Matej Bel University Banská Bystrica



~65 / 11 CC

173 WOS Core Collection / 199 Scopus citation

4 regional and 1 general geological maps of Slovak republic with explanations; 2 geological regional maps in Austria;

Invited lectures: in Japan – Kyoto University, Okayama University

24 open-files reports -Ministry of Environments of the Slovak Republic



Nature and instruments – minerals collection, Bonsai Art and the Eastern philosophies, travelling, bike and motorbike


Selected publications:

KONEČNÝ, Patrik – KOHÚT, Milan – ROJKOVIČ, Igor – SIMAN, Pavol. Petrology and monazite dating of the Fe-rich gneisses from Kokava (Veporic Unit, Western Carpathians, Slovakia): Devonian sediments supplied from Gondwanan sources metamorphosed in the Variscan times. In Journal of Geosciences, 2011, vol. 56, no. 2, p. 181-200. (1.026 – IF2010).

PUTIŠ, Marián – IVAN, Peter – KOHÚT, Milan – SPIŠIAK, Ján – SIMAN, Pavol – RADVANEC, Martin – UHER, Pavel – SERGEEV, Sergey – LARIONOV, Alexander – MÉRES, Štefan – DEMKO, Rastislav – ONDREJKA, Martin. Meta-igneous rocks of the West-Carpathian basement, Slovakia: indicators of Early Paleozoic extension and shortening events. In Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, 2009, vol. 180, no. 6, p. 461-471. (0.864 – IF2008).

PUTIŠ, Marián – FRANK, Wolfgang – PLAŠIENKA, Dušan – SIMAN, Pavol – SULÁK, Marián – BIROŇ, Adrián. Progradation of the Alpidic Central Western Carpathians orogenic wedgerelated to two subductions: constrained by 40Ar/39Ar ages of white micas. In Geodinamica Acta, 2009, vol. 22, no. 1-3, p. 31-56. (1.058 – IF2008).

BEZÁK, Vladimír – BIELY, Anton – BROSKA, Igor – BÓNA, Ján – BUČEK, Stanislav – ELEČKO, Michal – FILO, Ivan – FORDINÁL, Klement – GAZDAČKO, Ĺubomír – GRECULA, Pavol – HRAŠKO, Ľubomír – IVANIČKA, Ján – JACKO, Stanislav, ml. – JACKO, Stanislav, st. – JANOČKO, Juraj – KALINČIAK, Michal – KOBULSKÝ, Ján – KOHÚT, Milan – KONEČNÝ, Vlastimil – KOVÁČIK, Martin – KOVÁČIK, Martin – LEXA, Jaroslav – MADARÁS, Ján – MAGLAY, Juraj – MELLO, Ján – NAGY, Alexander – NÉMETH, Zoltán – OLŠAVSKÝ, Mário – PLAŠIENKA, Dušan – POLÁK, Milan – POTFAJ, Michal – PRISTAŠ, Ján – SIMAN, Pavol – ŠIMON, Ladislav – TEŤÁK, František – VOZÁROVÁ, Anna – VOZÁR, Jozef – ŽEC, Branislav. Vysvetlivky k prehľadnej geologickej mape Slovenskej republiky : 1 : 200 000. Aut. Bezák Vladimír et al., editor Bezák Vladimír. Bratislava : Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra, 2009. 534 s. ISBN 978-80-89343-28-7.

PUTIŠ, Marián – SERGEEV, Sergey – ONDREJKA, Martin – LARIONOV, Alexander – SIMAN, Pavol – SPIŠIAK, Ján – UHER, Pavel – PADERIN, Ilja. Cambrian-Ordovician metaigneous rocks associated with Cadomian fragments in the West-Carpathian basement dated by SHRIMP on zircons: a record from the Gondwana active margin settings. In Geologica Carpathica, 2008, vol. 59, no. 1, p. 3-18. (0.517 – IF2007).

BEZÁK, Vladimír – POLÁK, Milan – KONEČNÝ, Vlastimil – BIELY, Anton – ELEČKO, Michal – FILO, Ivan – HÓK, Jozef – HRAŠKO, Ľubomír – KOHÚT, Milan – LEXA, Jaroslav – MADARÁS, Ján – MAGLAY, Juraj – MELLO, Ján – OLŠAVSKÝ, Mário – PRISTAŠ, Ján – SIMAN, Pavol – ŠIMON, Ladislav – VASS, Dionýz – VOZÁR, Jozef. Prehľadná geologická mapa Slovenskej republiky 1 : 200 000, Mapový list: 36 – Banská Bystrica. Bratislava : Ministerstvo životného prostredia Slovenskej republiky, 2008. 1 mapa. ISBN 978-80-89343-04-1.

BEZÁK, Vladimír – ELEČKO, Michal – FORDINÁL, Klement – IVANIČKA, Ján – KALIČIAK, Michal – KONEČNÝ, Vlastimil – KOVÁČIK, Martin – MAGLAY, Juraj – MELLO, Ján – NAGY, Alexander – POLÁK, Milan – POTFAJ, Michal – BIELY, Anton – BÓNA, Ján – BROSKA, Igor – BUČEK, Stanislav – FILO, Ivan – GAZDAČKO, Ĺubomír – GRECULA, Pavol – GROSS, Pavel – HAVRILA, Milan – HÓK, Jozef – HRAŠKO, Ľubomír – JACKO, Stanislav, ml. – JACKO, Stanislav, st. – JANOČKO, Juraj – KOBULSKÝ, Ján – KOHÚT, Milan – KOVÁČIK, Martin – LEXA, Jaroslav – MADARÁS, Ján – NÉMETH, Zoltán – OLŠAVSKÝ, Mário – PLAŠIENKA, Dušan – PRISTAŠ, Ján – RAKÚS, Miloš – SALAJ, Jozef – SIMAN, Pavol – ŠIMON, Ladislav – TEŤÁK, František – VASS, Dionýz – VOZÁR, Jozef – VOZÁROVÁ, Anna – ŽEC, Branislav. Prehľadná geologická mapa Slovenskej republiky 1: 200 000. Editor Vladimír Bezák. Bratislava : Ministerstvo životného prostredia SR : Štátny geologický ústav Dionýza Štúra, 2008. ISBN 978-80-89343-21-8.

BROSKA, Igor – HARLOV, Daniel – TROPPER, Peter – SIMAN, Pavol. Formation of magmatic titanite and titanite-ilmenite phase relations during granite alteration in the Tribec Mountains, Western Carpathians, Slovakia. In Lithos, 2007, vol. 95, no. 1-2, p. 58-71. (2.203 – IF2006).

POLÁK, Milan – FILO, Ivan – HAVRILA, Milan – BEZÁK, Vladimír – KOHÚT, Milan – KOVÁČ, Peter – VOZÁR, Jozef – MELLO, Ján – MAGLAY, Juraj – ELEČKO, Michal – VOZÁROVÁ, Anna – OLŠAVSKÝ, Mário – SIMAN, Pavol – BUČEK, Stanislav – SIRÁŇOVÁ, Zuzana – HÓK, Jozef – RAKÚS, Miloš – LEXA, Jaroslav – ŠIMON, Ladislav – PRISTAŠ, Ján – KUBEŠ, Peter – ZAKOVIČ, Michal – LIŠČÁK, P. – ŽÁKOVÁ, E. – BOOROVÁ, Daniela – VANĚKOVÁ, Hilda. Vysvetlivky ku geologickej mape Starohorských vrchov, Čierťaže a severnej časti Zvolenskej kotliny 1:50 000. Bratislava : ŠGÚDŠ : Nakladateľstvo D. Štúra, 2003. 218 s.

POLÁK, Milan – FILO, Ivan – HAVRILA, Milan – BEZÁK, Vladimír – KOHÚT, Milan – KOVÁČ, Peter – VOZÁR, Jozef – MELLO, Ján – MAGLAY, Juraj – ELEČKO, Michal – OLŠAVSKÝ, Mário – PRISTAŠ, Ján – SIMAN, Pavol – BUČEK, Stanislav – HÓK, Jozef – RAKÚS, Miloš – LEXA, Jaroslav – ŠIMON, Ladislav. Geologická mapa Starohorských vrchov, Čierťaže a severnej časti Zvolenskej kotliny 1:50 000. Bratislava : ŠGÚDŠ : Nakladateľstvo D. Štúra, 2003.

BROSKA, Igor – SIMAN, Pavol. The breakdown of monazite in the West-Carpathian Veporic orthogneisses and tatric granites. In Geologica Carpathica, 1998, vol. 49, no. 3, p. 161-167. (0.271 – IF1997).

BEZÁK, Vladimír – JACKO, Stanislav, st. – LEDRU, P. – SIMAN, Pavol. Hercynian development of the Western Carpathians. In Geodynamic development of the Western Carpathians. – Bratislava : Dionýz Štúr Publishers, Geological Survey of Slovak Republic, 1998, p. 27-34. ISBN 80-85314-94-0.

PETRÍK, Igor – BROSKA, Igor – LIPKA, Ján – SIMAN, Pavol. Granitoid allanite-(Ce): substitution relations, redox conditions and REE distributions (on an example of I-type granitoids, Western Carpathians, Slovakia). In Geologica Carpathica, 1995, vol. 46, no. 2, p. 79-94.