International high–school students of ERASMUS+ visiting the Earth Science Institute of SAS

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On 25 October, 2018 a group of high–school students from Italy, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia visited the Earth Science Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences as part of their activities within an exchange stay in Slovakia under the ERASMUS+ KA2 Strategic partnership: European Investigation Team (project 2018-1-SK01-KA229-046397). The purpose of their visit was a research outreach presentation given by Peter Vajda of the department of gravimetry and geodynamics and the excursion at the department of seismology. The talk titled “Studying volcanoes and predicting eruption hazards: A detective work of a geophysicist” covered in a popular way how geoscientists study volcanoes, and in particular the physical processes deep in their interior associated with magma forcing its way to the surface aiming at an eruption, and how they work out the recorded signals aiming at accurate eruption predictions and forecasting, in order to save lives, protect property and infrastructure, and mitigate risks. The 1–hour oral presentation was followed by an excursion at the Data and Analysis Centre of the National Network of Seismic Stations, where Miriam Kristeková and Zuzana Chovanová explained to the students how the seismic signals are recorded, processed and interpreted to identify, locate and assess earthquakes. The whole event turned out successful and was accompanied by many curious questions asked by the attendees. We hope we seeded a fair bit of motivation into the students to consider a career in science and research in the future.

Text and photo: P. Vajda, S. Antolíková