Working group on larger foraminifera: stratigraphy, palaeoecology, palaeoenvironment
Project ID:COST OC-2019-1-23948
Principal investigator:Ján Soták
Investigators from institution:
Co-operating investigators:

Koordinátor projektu – Prof. A. Briguglio


The main purpose of the COST projec is to build a framework of scientists who can actively work on the taxonomy of LBF throughout the Cenozoic. Taxonomy is an extremely detailed work and requires both expertise and access to extensive collections. Putting together scientists from different countries is possibly the only chance we have to tackle LBF in all their diversity. This can only be achieved by continuous meetings and continuous discussion on species definitions, delineation of characters and, consequently, stratigraphic interpretations and microfacies analyses of all selected taxa to be formally recognized.