Importance of raw materials in the economy of V4 countries
Project ID:International Visegrad Found (IVF)
Principal investigator:Igor Broska
Investigators from institution:
Co-operating investigators:

Grzegorz Muszyński, Katowice (coordinator)


The aim of the project is to identify critical raw materials for individual economies and comparing them in the V4 Group. and such materials will be necessary for the development of new technologies in the next 10 years. The JSW in EU is the largest producer of coking coal, which is one of the 27 critical EU raw materials. Other V4 countries have other raw materials which are significant for the European economy. During the meetings all partners will demonstrate their activities and experience in identifying critical raw materials. During the last workshop, experts, scientists and business representatives from V4 countries will formulate common conclusions regarding these issues. The summary of this international cooperation will be the publication of a good practice report constituting a white paper in the area of critical raw materials. In addition, joint implementation of the project will strengthen the projects’ impact on its beneficiaries, i.e. entrepreneurs and academic centers from the V4 countries.