Correlation of Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary sequences in the Tethyan Mediterranean Belt and adjacent regions based on geodynamics (lithostratigraphy, sequence analysis, paleogeography), micro- and nannofossil record and global climate and sea-level change
Project ID:MAD Bulharsko-Slovensko
Principal investigator:Jozef Michalík
Investigators from institution:
Co-operating investigators:

Kristalina Stoykova (Bulharsko)


Recent studies in both countries (Slovakia and Bulgaria – Michalik et al., 2016; Lakova & Petrova, 2013; Grabowski et al., 2016; Stoykova et al., submitted) have demonstrated the availability of suitable geological object for detailed study – well-exposed continuous sedimentary successions across the JKB interval. Our goal aims at complex investigation of two geological locations, comprising the JKB interval – one in Slovakia and one in Bulgaria. The direct integration of regional geology, lithofacies studies, calpionellid and nannofossil biostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy would be of crucial importance to make a reliable correlation between the studied locations, as well as to promote the selected sections as auxiliary local stratotypes for the JKB. Background of cooperation and envisaged results and benefit: There are several important JKB sequences exposed on Bulgarian and Slovak territories (both belonging to different parts of the Tethyan Belt), which can contribute to the question of drawing of the Jurassic / Cretaceous boundary. Moreover, there are several Bulgarian and Slovak specialists participating in the project and deeply involved in the work of Berriasian Working Group (BWG) of the International Commission of Stratigraphy solving the question of the GSSP establishing of this important stratigraphical boundary since the end of the last millennium. As the drawing of universally valid Stratotype of the boundary is still matter of vivid discussions, the only possible way is constriction of a net of local, studied in details stratotypes, which can bring a remarkable progress.