Magura Piggy-back Basin at the font of the PKB: lito and biostratigraphy, provenance analysis and paleogeographic interpretations (Western Outer Carpathians, Poland and Slovakia)
Project ID:National Science Centre of Poland
Principal investigator:Ján Soták
Investigators from institution:
Co-operating investigators:

Prof. Nestor Oszczypko, Dr. Dorota Salata (PL)


The objective of the project is intended in age revision of the flysch formations of the Magura Unit based on the study of calcareous nannoplankton and planktonic foraminifera. Stratigraphical and sedimentological informations will be interpreted from viewpoint of basinal history, geodynamics and paleogeography of the Magura Unit, as well. Proper age data will be used to unification of lithostratigraphic units of the Magura Unit at the territory of Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine and Romania. Stratigraphical and sedimentological informations will be interpreted from viewpoint of basinal history, geodynamics and paleogeography of the Magura Unit, as well.