Geophysical model of the lithosphere of the Western Carpathians
Project ID:VEGA 1/0141/15
Principal investigator:Peter Vajda
Investigators from institution:Martin Bednárik, Vladimír Bezák, Jana Dérerová, Dušan Majcin, Jaroslava Pánisová, (Barbora Porubčanová), Čestmír Tomek, Jozef Vozár, (Pavol Zahorec)
Co-operating investigators:

Prírodovedecká fakulta UK – koordinátor projektu


Geophysical model of the lithosphere of the Western Carpathians will be based on the results obtained by 2D and 3D interpretation of gravity and thermal field of the Earth. In the frame of interpretation the modern, world-wide accepted, gravimetric and geothermic methods will be applied. These methods will also use the newest results of the other geophysical fields (mainly seismic), geology and geodesy. The resultant 2D and 3D lithospheric models will represent the utilization of all knowledge on the deep-seated structure of the Western Carpathian lithosphere on the basis of own interpretation of gravity and thermal field. Based on these models a new geophysical model of the lithosphere of the Western Carpathians will be constructed, which will extend our present knowledge on the recent structure, composition and tectonics of the lithosphere in the Western Carpathians. The model will be also a basis for tectonic reconstruction of the space distribution of the tectonic elements of the Western Carpathians.