Anotation: | Detection and monitoring of underground cavities belongs among important environmental risk assessments, on the other hand it is the aim of the research in archaeological and historical scientific studies. Geophysical (microgravimetry, ERT, GPR) and geodetic methods (LiDAR, InSAR, UAV photogrammetry) manifest a useful tool for underground cavities detection and monitoring. Aim of the proposed project is the study of their properties in methodical and also application area. By means of numerical modelling of cavities existence and development in geophysical fields we can obtain valuable information and use them in successful detection and monitoring of them in practice. Planned analysis of studied methods properties in the frame of practical use we would like to realize in localities in selected mining areas – historical and present ones (Horná Nitra and Banská Štiavnica sites) and during historical research of known cultural monuments (church of St. Martin in Bratislava and church of St. Nicholas in Trnava).