Magnetic fabric, sedimentologic and provenance study of clastic formations of the Western Carpathians
Project ID:VEGA 2/0028/17
Principal investigator:Jozef Madzin
Investigators from institution:Roman Aubrecht, Jana Bučová, Ján Madarás, Štefánia Pramuková, Dušan Starek, Marek Vďačný, Jozef Vozár
Co-operating investigators:

The aim of the project is an integration of magnetic anisotropy (AMS) and facies analysis for determination of the paleotransport of detrital material of clastic formations of the Western Carpathians (WC). The AMS has been often used as a very helpful petrofabric tool. Its versatility can also be employed as an additional tool in paleocurrent analysis mainly in a situation in which sedimentological indicators are rare, badly interpretable or completely missing. Clastic deposits are particularly important for reconstructions of paleotectonic development of ancient sedimentary basins and are quite common features in sedimentary sequences of individual tectonic units of the WC. A combination of paleotransport data, petrographic compositon and heavy mineral analysis of the deposits studied allows us to specify the nature and extent of remote or barely identificable source areas and hence to successfully decipher their paleogeographic arrangement as well as the paleotectonic development of the WC.