Seismic regime in the Malé Karpaty focal zone
Project ID:VEGA 2/0188/15
Principal investigator:Lucia Fojtíková
Investigators from institution:Andrej Cipciar, Kristián Csicsay, Martin Gális, Jozef Kristek, Miriam Kristeková, Róbert Kysel, Zuzana Margočová, Peter Moczo
Co-operating investigators:

The tectonic situation in the Malé Karpaty (Little Carpathians Mts.) area is complex and this source zone belongs to the most active parts of the Slovak territory. The main purpose of this project is an improvement of the knowledge of seismic regime of investigated area. Data obtained within the project are very important for seismic hazard studies and necessity of the complex seismic hazard evaluation of this area is increased by presence of close nuclear power plant Jaslovské Bohunice. To achieve the main goal of the project we plan to increase the precision of earthquake hypocenter location by using double difference HypoDD method, to improve focal mechanism solutions of local events (for new events and those already analyzed). We plan to use micro-arrays measurements for monitoring and locating weak events and identification of active faults and to use seismic noise measurements for improvement of knowledge of a seismic model in the area.