Accreditation of the Earth Science Institute SAS

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Accreditation of the Earth Science Institute SAS, which is a part of the interacademic evaluation process of scientific organizations of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in 2016, was realized in Assembly Hall of the SAS in Patrónka, Bratislava on 7th November 2016.

The evaluation process is provided by a panel of experts from abroad. The president of the panel for evaluation of scientific organizations of the first section of sciences is Prof. Pär Omling (Sweden). Further members are Prof. Martin Hynes (Ireland), Prof. Helmuth Weissert (Switzerland), and meta-panel member Prof. John Wood (Great Britain). The president of the comprehensive meta-panel, covering three assessment panels, is Prof. Marja Makarow from Finland.

The second basis for the evaluation was a presentational-discussion meeting, while the first criterion is a detailed accreditation questionnaire. The basic structure of the assessment is prepared analogically for all scientific departments.

The goal of accreditation is to assess the level of research in individual scientific organizations with an emphasis on the international connectivity and the progressive direction of research for development of the Slovak society as well as on the strengthening the position of Slovak science in the European research area.

Evaluations by individual panels will altogether result in a formulation of recommendations for the SAS and will generate a characterization of the Slovak science, its basic research, and its progressive development for the rise of the Slovak society. A further aim is to strengthen our position in the European research area as well as to corroborate reputation of the SAS in the Slovak society. Private dialogue of evaluation panel members with Ph.D. students and young scientists was also a part of the assessment.

Individual panels will assess their findings, which will result in a formulation of final recommendations that are being expected at the beginning of the year 2017.

President of the Accreditation Committee of the SAS, Ing. Mária Omastová, DrSc., and members of the Presidium of the SAS as well as representatives of the Assembly Committee of the SAS, participate in the meetings.


Text:  Ľubica Suballyová a Ján Madarás, translated by Marek Vďačný
Photo: J. Madarás