International high–school students of ERASMUS+ visiting the Earth Science Institute of SAS

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On 25 October, 2018 a group of high–school students from Italy, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia visited the Earth Science Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences as part … read more >

Slovak–Italian volcano–gravimetric campaign Etna 2018

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Earth scientists from Slovakia, Pavol Zahorec and Peter Vajda of the department of gravimetry and geodynamics of the ESI SAS and Juraj Papčo of the department of theoretical geodesy of … read more >

Marian Janák invited by the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences

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RNDr. Marian Janák, DrSc. was invited by the Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences to stay in China from May 27th – June 10th 2018. In Beijing Dr. Janák gave a lecture … read more >

National Network of Seismic Stations recorded seismic waves generated by a nuclear explosion in North Korea

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On September 3rd, 2017 at 03:41:09 UTC the National Network of Seismic Stations (NNSS) operated by the Earth Science Institute SAS (ESI SAS) recorded seismic waves (Fig. 1-2) generated by … read more >

Training in “Analytical Methods in Geology” for students of AGH University of Science and Technology from Krakow in the Centre of Education of Slovak Academy of Sciences in Banská Bystrica

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From 5th to 17th February 2017, we organized the training in “Analytical Methods in Geology” for students of AGH University of Science and Technology from Krakow in the Centre of … read more >

Central Italy hit by sequence of stronger earthquakes

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On January 18th, 2017 the region of Central Italy was hit by sequence of stronger earthquakes, four of them with magnitude higher than 5 (tab. 1). Epicentres of these earthquakes … read more >

Accreditation of the Earth Science Institute SAS

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Accreditation of the Earth Science Institute SAS, which is a part of the interacademic evaluation process of scientific organizations of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in 2016, was realized in … read more >

Symposium and team building of the Earth Science Institute

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The symposium „Evaluation of research activities and perspectives of the Earth Science Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences“ was a first joint meeting of the Geological and Geophysical divisions, the … read more >

European Researchers’ Night 2016

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The Earth Science Institute SAS participated in the event 10th European Researchers’ Night in two Slovak cities (Bratislava and Banská Bystrica) on September 30, 2016. Geologists presented their results in … read more >

Earthquake in Romania on September 24, 2016

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On September 24, 2016 at 02:11 local time, the Central Romania region was hit by an earthquake with magnitude 5.3. The epicenter of earthquake was in the Vrancea region, 150 … read more >

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