Seminár doktorandov

with Nekomentované

Dňa 27. novembra 2018 sa na pracovisku v Banskej Bystrici konal seminár doktorandov Ústavu vied o Zemi.


Zoznam prednášok


Lucia Žatková: Post-glacial depositional evolution of the High Tatra lakes on the basis of biomarkers

Dhavamani Ramachandran: The acoustic method for the identification of Tatra Mts. lakes (Slovakia) sub-bottom sediment thickness, characterization of sediments and the bottom topography

Marina Vidhya: Paleo-environmental conditions deduced from fossil diatom assemblages

Ľubica Luhová: Detection of permafrost based on cryogenic phenomena in caves

Tamás Müller: Brachiopod stable isotope and trace element record from the Late Triassic and Early Jurassic mass-extinctions



Martin Šugár: Revision and analysis of the earthquake catalogue of Slovakia



Maria Maraszewska: Granite evolution in the Tatric part of the Low Tatra Mts

Jozef Vlasáč: Genesis of epitethermal Au-Ag mineralization of the Štiavnica stratovolcano

Sergiy Kurylo: Mineralogy and petrography of Shpolano-Tashlyk ore region (Ingul megablock, Ukrainian Shield)